Orthognathic Jaw Surgery in Miami, FL

Jaw Surgery for Relief from TMJ or Malocclusion Pain

Are you struggling with severe bite problems or facial asymmetry that impacts your smile, speech, or breathing? At the Centre for Invisible Orthodontics in Miami, Dr. Stephen Grussmark understands the challenges these concerns can present. Orthognathic surgery is a specialized procedure that can dramatically improve both the function and aesthetics of your jaw and face.

Our Diamond Plus Invisalign Provider in Miami, FL, leads our team of experienced professionals dedicated to helping patients achieve optimal oral health and a beautiful smile. Call (305) 441-1200 to learn more.

woman smiling with braces

What Is Orthognathic Surgery?

Orthognathic surgery, also known as corrective jaw surgery, is a specialized surgical procedure designed to correct structural imbalances in the upper and lower jaws. These imbalances can affect the upper jaw (maxilla), lower jaw (mandible), or both. It’s often performed to address common orthodontic issues such as overbites, underbites, open bites, and misaligned jaws.

Benefits of Orthognathic Surgery

Orthognathic surgery offers a range of potential benefits that go beyond just improving facial aesthetics. Here are some key advantages:

  • Improved Chewing Function: Proper jaw alignment allows for better chewing efficiency, reducing strain on the jaw muscles and temporomandibular joint.
  • Clearer Speech: Difficulty pronouncing certain sounds can be corrected by aligning the jaws and improving tongue placement.
  • Reduced Jaw Pain: Misaligned jaws can cause chronic pain and discomfort. Surgery can alleviate this pain and improve quality of life.
  • Enhanced Facial Aesthetics: A balanced jawline can significantly improve facial symmetry and overall appearance.

Who Qualifies for Orthognathic Surgery?

While orthognathic surgery can be life-changing for many, it’s not suitable for everyone. Here are some factors considered for candidacy:

  • The Severity of Jaw Discrepancy: The degree of misalignment and its impact on function and facial appearance determine if surgery is necessary.
  • Dental Health: Healthy teeth and gums are crucial for a successful outcome.
  • Overall Health: Underlying medical conditions must be evaluated to ensure safe surgery.
  • Age: Jaw growth should be complete, typically in late teens or early adulthood.
  • Orthodontic Treatment: Orthodontics is often required before and after surgery to properly align the teeth.

The Orthognathic Jaw Surgery Process

Consultation and Planning

The orthognathic surgery process begins with a comprehensive consultation with an oral and maxillofacial surgeon and an orthodontist. During this visit, they will:

  1. Discuss your concerns and goals for surgery.
  2. Conduct a thorough examination of your teeth, jaws, and facial structure.
  3. Review your medical history and X-rays.
  4. Develop a personalized treatment plan, including the type of surgery needed and the anticipated timeline.

Orthodontic Treatment (Pre-surgical)

In most cases, orthodontic treatment is necessary before surgery to precisely align your upper and lower teeth together. This pre-surgical orthodontic procedure can take 6 to 18 months and involves wearing braces or clear aligners like Invisalign.

Surgical Intervention

The orthognathic surgery is performed under general anesthesia in a hospital setting. Precise cuts are made in the jawbone to reposition the upper or lower jaw into corrected positions. Plates and screws are used to secure the jaw segments in their new position and location to facilitate proper healing.


Following surgery, you can expect swelling, discomfort, and dietary restrictions for several weeks. A dedicated recovery period is crucial for optimal healing and achieving the desired results from surgical procedures. During this time, you’ll receive detailed aftercare instructions from your surgeon to manage jaw joint pain, and swelling, and promote healing.

Aftercare Instructions for Orthognathic Surgery

Following orthognathic surgery, a dedicated recovery period is crucial for optimal healing and achieving the desired results. While discomfort and swelling are expected, following your oral surgeon’s aftercare instructions will significantly contribute to a smooth recovery process.

Here’s a breakdown of what to expect and how to manage the initial stages of healing:

  • Pain Management: Some pain is normal after surgery, and your surgeon will prescribe medication to help manage it effectively. Don’t hesitate to reach out if the pain seems excessive or isn’t adequately controlled by medication.
  • Swelling: Swelling around the surgical site is a natural response and typically peaks two to three days after surgery. Applying ice packs wrapped in a thin cloth to the affected areas for short intervals throughout the day can help reduce swelling.
  • Diet: Following surgery, you’ll likely be on a soft diet for several weeks. This might include puréed foods, soups, yogurt, and soft fruits. As healing progresses, your surgeon will gradually introduce more solid foods into your diet.
  • Oral Hygiene: Maintaining good oral hygiene is critical to preventing infection during this vulnerable time. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and gentle circular motions to clean your teeth and gums.
  • Rest and Activity: While strenuous activity and heavy lifting are discouraged several weeks post-surgery, gentle walking is encouraged to promote circulation and prevent stiffness.
woman brushing her teeth

Financing Orthognathic Surgery

The Centre for Invisible Orthodontics understands the cost of orthognathic surgery can be a concern. We offer various financing options to make this treatment accessible:

  • Flexible Payment Plans: No down payment, interest-free financing, and extended third-party plans to fit your budget.
  • Convenient Payment Methods: Pay with major credit cards or set up automatic payments.
  • Insurance Maximization: Our team helps you understand your coverage, assists with paperwork, and verifies benefits.
  • Additional Options: We accept CareCredit and Springstone Patient Financing.

Don’t let finances prevent you from exploring orthognathic surgery. Contact us today to discuss treatment options and financing solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does jaw surgery hurt?

Jaw surgery does involve some discomfort, but pain management is a priority. Your surgeon will prescribe medication to help manage post-surgical pain. While experiences vary, many upper jaw surgery patients report the discomfort is less than they anticipated.

How long does jaw surgery take?

The length of surgery depends on the complexity of the case. A routine procedure on a single jaw typically takes one to two hours. Surgery involving multiple procedures or corrections can take three to five hours.

How long does it take to recover from jaw surgery?

Jaw healing is a gradual process. You can expect a period of restricted diet and swelling in the first few weeks. Total recovery typically takes six to 12 weeks, with the first month requiring close follow-up appointments.

Is there an age limit for jaw surgery?

Ideally, lower jaw surgery is only performed after jaw growth has stopped. This usually occurs in late teens or early adulthood. However, age itself isn’t the only factor. Good overall health and completed orthodontic treatment are also important considerations.

Alleviate Jaw Pain with Jaw Surgery from Miami’s Best Orthodontist

The Centre for Invisible Orthodontics in Miami is committed to helping patients achieve functional and aesthetic improvements through orthognathic surgery. By correcting jaw discrepancies, this procedure can enhance your bite, speech, and facial harmony.

If you’re considering orthognathic surgery, contact our experienced team today at (305) 441-1200 to schedule a consultation and discuss your options. We welcome patients from Coral Gables, Brickell, and Key Biscayne, FL.

Stephen Grussmark