Invisalign® Discomfort in Miami, FL

How Painful are Wearing Invisalign Aligners?

Invisalign is a customized orthodontic appliance that gradually shifts your teeth into alignment. If you feel discomfort, this is a sign that the aligners are working to straighten your smile. 

However, this soreness can make treatment difficult to upkeep, so our Miami, FL orthodontist, Dr. Stephen Grussmark, offers tips on managing Invisalign discomfort when beginning your treatment. Learn how you can make the most out of Invisalign orthodontics.

Young blonde-haired woman wearing white tank top and holding Invsialign - Is Invisalign Painful?

Causes For Invisalign Discomfort 

During your first phase of treatment with Invisalign, it’s normal to experience mild soreness. While your teeth are gradually moving into alignment, you may experience some soreness for the first few days, typically caused by:

  • Calluses forming on gums
  • Teeth shifting into position
  • Pressure on the jawbone and joints
  • Incorrect fitting

This discomfort will fade as your teeth get used to their new position. If pain persists or you suspect your aligners don’t fit as they should, schedule an appointment with our Invisalign provider in Miami.

Managing Invisalign Discomfort

When you swap out your Invisalign aligners for a new set, there are a few ways you can remedy the pain, including:

  • Take over-the-counter painkillers — Anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen can help relieve discomfort from your teeth shifting.
  • Ensure your Invisalign is tracking correctly — Your aligners should fit snugly against your teeth without any gaps between them and the aligner.
  • Wear each new phase of aligners before bed — Beginning a new aligner phase before bed allows your teeth to make initial adjustments while you sleep.
  • Apply an ice pack — Wearing cold compresses will numb the area and alleviate pain.
  • Use Invisalign Chewies — Invisalign Chewies will improve the fit of your aligners by decreasing any space between your teeth and the trays.
  • Drink hot or cold beverages — Hot or cold drinks can help manage discomfort.
  • Apply orthodontic wax — Applying orthodontic wax to the edges of your trays can soften their feel on your mouth.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Invisalign more painful than braces?

Invisalign is more comfortable than metal braces. Invisalign’s innovative design allows for a more gradual movement than tightening the wires on braces. After you switch out your aligners for a new set, you may feel sore for a few days, but the tenderness should fade quickly.

The metal brackets and wires on braces tend to cause pain throughout treatment by constantly poking your gums and cheeks. Invisalign clear aligners offer unmatched comfort and the ability to transform smiles discreetly.

Why are my teeth so sore with Invisalign?

The pressure from the aligners against your teeth can cause mild soreness. Applying cold compresses to the area or using over-the-counter pain relievers can help manage pain while you grow accustomed to wearing the aligners. If the pain persists or grows too severe, contact your orthodontist.

Which week of Invisalign hurts the most?

The first week is typically the hardest as your mouth adjusts to wearing the aligners and your teeth begin shifting. However, you’ll get used to wearing the aligners quickly, and before you know it, you can enjoy the benefits of a straight smile.

How long does it take for Invisalign to stop hurting?

Invisalign will become more comfortable after the first week of treatment. As your teeth and gums adjust to the new aligners, discomfort should gradually subside. If you continue to feel pain when wearing aligners, contact your orthodontist and schedule an appointment. They’ll be able to adjust your treatment as needed.

Comfortable Invisalign Treatment With Dr. Grussmark

As the only Diamond Plus provider in Dade County and Southern Florida, Dr. Grussmark has extensive experience treating patients with Invisalign. For most of your teeth-aligning journey with Invisalign, wearing alignment trays should not be a painful experience. 

If discomfort persists, contact our Maimi, FL office at (305) 441-1200 or fill out our online contact form to schedule an appointment. When you come into the office, Dr. Grussmark will assess your situation and determine the best course of action. We welcome patients from Brickell, Key Biscayne, and Miami Beach, FL.

Stephen Grussmark