Metal Braces vs. Invisalign Treatment in Miami, FL

Invisalign vs. Braces: Determining Which Orthodontic Treatment Fits Your Smile Needs

Are you dreaming of a straighter, more confident smile? If so, you’re not alone! Many adults and teens in Miami are looking for ways to achieve a beautiful smile through orthodontic treatment. At the Centre for Invisible Braces, we understand that navigating the world of braces and Invisalign can feel overwhelming. That’s why we’re here to help!

Dr. Stephen Grussmark, a leading orthodontist in Miami, FL, can answer your questions and guide you toward the perfect smile solution. We offer traditional braces treatment and Invisalign treatment. Call us today at (305) 441-1200 to learn more.

Dental invisible braces or silicone trainer in the hands of a young smiling girl. Orthodontic concept - Invisalign.
woman with braces smiling

What Are Metal Braces?

Metal braces are the most traditional form of orthodontic treatment. They consist of three main components:

  • Brackets: Small squares of stainless steel or another metal alloy that are bonded to the front surface of each tooth.
  • Archwire: A thin metal wire that runs along the brackets, connecting all your teeth.
  • Ligatures: Small elastic bands or ties that hold the archwire in place within the brackets.

Metal braces work by applying gentle, constant pressure to your teeth, gradually straightening them, and shifting them into their desired positions. Over time, with adjustments from your orthodontist, your teeth will move into a straighter, more aligned position.

Pros and Cons of Metal Braces


  • Effective: Metal braces are highly effective for treating various orthodontic problems, from simple crowding to complex bite issues.
  • Durable: Metal braces are very strong and can withstand most everyday wear and tear.
  • Affordable: Compared to Invisalign, metal braces are typically the more affordable option.
  • Proven Track Record: Metal braces have been used successfully for decades, with a long history of achieving successful orthodontic results.


  • Visibility: Metal braces are quite noticeable, as the brackets and wires are visible when you smile or talk.
  • Discomfort: Metal braces can cause some discomfort, especially during adjustments or when you first get them placed. You might also experience irritation from the brackets rubbing against your cheeks and lips.
  • Maintenance: Metal braces require more maintenance than Invisalign. You’ll need to brush and floss carefully to avoid trapping food particles and bacteria around the brackets and wires.
  • Dietary Restrictions: You may need to avoid certain foods that are hard, sticky, or chewy, as they can damage the braces.

Candidacy for Metal Braces

Metal braces can be a good option for many patients, including children, teenagers, and adults. They are particularly well-suited for those with:

However, metal braces may not be the best choice for everyone. During a consultation with Dr. Grussmark, he will assess your needs and determine if metal or ceramic braces are the right approach for achieving your desired smile.

aligner heart

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a modern orthodontic treatment that uses a series of clear, removable aligners to gradually straighten your teeth. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign, clear aligners are virtually invisible, making them a more discreet option for tooth alignment.

You’ll wear each set of aligners for a prescribed period, typically one to two weeks, before switching to the next set in the series. Over time, the gentle pressure from the aligners will gradually move your teeth into their final positions.

Pros and Cons of Invisalign


  • Virtually Invisible: Invisalign aligners are clear, making them much less noticeable than traditional braces. This can be a significant advantage for adults who are self-conscious about having braces.
  • Removable: Unlike braces, Invisalign aligners can be removed for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing. This allows for greater flexibility and ease in maintaining oral hygiene.
  • Comfort: Invisalign aligners are made of smooth plastic, making them more comfortable to wear than metal braces.
  • Dietary Freedom: You won’t have any dietary restrictions with Invisalign, as you can simply remove the aligners before eating.


  • Not Suitable for All Cases: Invisalign may not be effective for all orthodontic cases, particularly complex misalignments.
  • Compliance Required: Successful Invisalign treatment relies on the consistent wear of the aligners for the prescribed amount of time.
  • Higher Cost: Invisalign is generally more expensive than traditional braces.
  • Regular Aligner Changes: You’ll need to switch to new aligners every one to two weeks, which requires following the treatment plan diligently.
  • Temporary Speech Changes: You might experience slight lisping or difficulty speaking clearly when you first start wearing the aligners.

Candidacy for Invisalign

Here are some factors that Dr. Grussmark will consider to determine if you’re a good candidate for Invisalign:

  • Severity of Misalignment: Invisalign is most effective for mild to moderate crowding, gaps, and bite issues.
  • Compliance: You’ll need to be committed to wearing the aligners as prescribed for successful treatment.
  • Dental Hygiene: Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential for Invisalign treatment, as the aligners can trap food particles if not cleaned properly.
  • Realistic Expectations: Invisalign treatment can take time, and it’s important to have realistic expectations about the treatment process.
Dr. Grussmark profile shot

How Dr. Grussmark Can Help You Choose Your Orthodontic Treatment

Dr. Grussmark is a leading orthodontist in Miami, FL, with extensive experience in Invisalign and traditional braces. Here’s how he can guide you through the decision-making process:

  • Personalized Assessment: During a consultation, Dr. Grussmark will conduct a thorough examination of your teeth and jaws. He will also discuss your individual goals, concerns, and lifestyle preferences. This personalized approach helps him understand your unique situation and what’s most important to you in achieving your dream smile.
  • Treatment Options Explained: Dr. Grussmark will take the time to explain both Invisalign and traditional braces in detail. He’ll discuss the pros and cons of each option, including factors like effectiveness, comfort, treatment time, cost, and maintenance requirements.
  • Addressing Your Concerns: Dr. Grussmark understands you may have questions or concerns about orthodontic treatment. He will patiently address questions and provide clear, honest information to help you feel confident in your decision.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Invisalign more expensive than braces?

In general, yes, Invisalign® tends to be more expensive than traditional braces. This is because Invisalign involves custom-made aligners and requires more technological processes. However, the exact cost can vary depending on your treatment plan and insurance coverage.

Is Invisalign faster than fixed braces?

Not necessarily. Both Invisalign and braces can take anywhere from 12 to 24 months to complete treatment, depending on the complexity of your case.

Which is less painful: braces or Invisalign?

Both treatments can cause some discomfort, especially during adjustments. Braces might cause some initial soreness as the teeth begin to move, and you might experience irritation from the metal brackets and wires rubbing against your cheeks and lips. Invisalign can cause slight discomfort when switching to a new aligner set as your teeth shift.

Which orthodontic treatment is better for adults?

Both Invisalign and braces can be effective for adults. Invisalign’s discreet nature often makes it a popular choice for adults who are self-conscious about having braces. However, the best orthodontic treatment for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences.

Let Our Orthodontic Specialist Help Decide Your Ideal Treatment

Whether you’re interested in the near-invisibility of Invisalign or the proven track record of traditional braces, Dr. Grussmark can create a customized treatment plan to give you the confident smile you deserve.

Don’t wait any longer to start your journey towards a straighter smile! Contact The Centre for Invisible Braces today at (305) 441-1200 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Grussmark. We conveniently serve patients in Miami and the surrounding areas, including Coral Gables, Pinecrest, and Dadeland.

Stephen Grussmark